Short animated films screening in Nyon plus, Transformers: The Last Night and documentary films in the open air at the Château de Prangins. There will be a one-off screening of the 2017 Oscar nominated short films in the animation category on Monday 3 July at 21:00 at the Capitole cinema in Nyon. All films are in […]
Watch English Movies in Open Air Cinema, Go on a Ride with Nyon’s Pirates, Dine in White on L’Ile de La Harpe and more
Open Air Cinema in Nyon until 25th August- Some films in English! The open air cinema has set up its screen until the 25th of August at the Promenade d’Italie. The following films will be shown in English: Wednesday 14th 21:00: Wolverine 3D Friday 16th, 21:00: RED 2 Sunday 18th,21:00 : Star Trek, Into Darkness […]
Open Air Cinema in Nyon begins tonight 30 July
The Open Air cinema is back in Nyon this year from 30 July and continues until the 25th August. The first film to be screened will be “Les Schtroumpfs” (the Smurfs!) Although films do not begin until 21:30, the terrace is open from 19:00 for snacks, “grillades” and drinks. Note – tomorrow Weds (the 31st July) […]
Hello Switzerland magazine now out, Events – Fashion event, Monday film in English, Christmas Market, Trad Jazz, Nativity Service
There are a lot of activities going on in the Nyon and Geneva region at this time of year. Read on for a selection of these below. Winter issue of Hello Switzerland now out. The image above and in the banner on this post, is taken from the winter issue of “Hello Switzerland” magazine. […]
Local girl from Gingins competes in Olympics. “On the Road” film in English in Nyon tonight
Apologies to readers for the lack of news over the past few days, the Living in Nyon editor has been over in London cheering on various teams at the Olympic Games including the Swiss rowing team at Eton Dorney! On Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th August, the village of Gingins near Nyon will be cheering […]