“The Meal” is returning to Nyon on Saturday 24th September 2016 and will take place in the courtyard of the Château.
The concept of “The Meal” is to gather people together to share a meal made up of local products and food that is in season, and to encourage us all to support local farmers, fishermen and food producers.
The Meal will take place in the centre of Nyon at the Place du Château between 11:00 and 15:00, and is open to all, friends and family, associations etc. To reserve (must be made by 20 September) click here. Any questions? email themealnyon@gmail.com
The cost of the meal is CHF 25 CHF for adults, CHF 18 for students/chômeurs/A.V.S, and CHF 10 for children. This is to include an entrée, a plat principal and a dessert.
The Meal is a global event happening around the world on the same day (see the main website here), It originally started in Geneva in 1999! The Meal will be buffet style, served by volunteers, whilst the drinks can be bought from local producers. There will also be Nyon tap water available.