As part of the annual "Bike Day" activities in Nyon, there will be a second hand bike sale on Saturday 18th May. It's a great opportunity to sell or buy a bike. This event will take place at Parc de la Morâche, (the park just a few minutes walk behind the railway station and near the Post Office).
It's a simple system:
From 09:00 take bike's that for sale along to the park. An estimation of the price will be given.
At 10:00 the bikes are put up for sale
Between 11:30 and 12:00 sellers can collect their money if their bike has sold (minus 10% for the organiser's commission and for the return of unsold bikes
Registration is compulsory if you have more than 5 bikes to sell!
Telephone 021 323 54 11 or email See link here