Even though it was Monday night, the start of the working week for many, it didn't stop thousands of Robbie Williams fans heading off to Paléo to see him play as the headline act on the first night of the festival. It will be interesting to discover what the attendance figures reveal as the grounds were completely packed.
The showman himself didn't disappoint, a consummate performer, he gave the crowd exactly what they wanted with a terrific set, kicking off the evening with Let me Entertain You, he then went on to entertain in style, performing hits from previous albums throughout the evening. The crowd knew pretty much all of the lyrics to his hits and they sang along enthusiastically, in including a Happy 40th Birthday sing song to the festival itself. At one stage the Brit superstar brought on his father to join him in a duo of Better Man. There were a few costume changes throughout the evening, but no long gaps between numbers and he kept the pace going working the stage from all sides and down the central walkway - a new addition to Paléo this year. There were some mumbles from a section of the crowd that he talked too much and included too many cover songs with all the collective singing of music by Joan Jet, Oasis and other bands, but on the whole, he won the audience over and his rendition of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody raised the roof.
Unlike in the the lyric When There's no Love in Town from his song Supreme, there was lots of love for Robbie on the very warm summer's night. Robbie responded in kind with his Brit sense of humour (see third photo below)
Photo above - a "gift" to the crowd from Robbie
Earlier on in the evening, Caravan Palace performed on the main stage, this is the third time they have been invited to Paléo and although yet again there was an appreciative crowd, the concert itself seemed lack the magic of previous concerts for the Living in Nyon editor.
Tip of the night - The Saigon beer at the Bar du Voyageur in the Village du Monde area of the festival is worth a try!
Coming up soon, a personal review of the first night by writer Jonas Parson.
All photos above and below - C. Nelson-Pollard.