Completing and submitting a tax return can be a complicated business at the best of times and completing a tax return as a foreigner living in Switzerland can sometimes be even more daunting. Each individual canton and municipalities levy their own taxes and there are many other circumstances which individuals need to be aware of when paying their Swiss taxes.
As the tax year ends in Switzerland on the 31st December and a tax form must usually be filed within three months after the end of the tax period, then readers might like to engage in the services of a financial advisory firm to guide them in completing their tax return.
My Project has an expert tax department for complex Swiss conditions and it partners with international tax specialists (U.S, British and other English-language countries). Their branch in neighbouring France also provides expertise and legal rights to help frontaliers with their fiscal declaration.
An obvious link to the tax declaration is the question of optimising your taxes. There are various measures that can be taken to reduce your taxes considerably and if you are a homeowner it might be a good idea to look into your mortgage situation. MyProject's specialists will give you free advice on how to proceed.
Although the tax year ends 31st December, most measures to reduce your taxes will have to be submit by the 20th.
My Project is a consultancy with over 150 expert staff. It answers customer questions on all aspects of finance, from tax to insurance, and provides professional, private advice. My Project is certified with FINMA (click here to find out more about this financial regulatory board).
If you would like advice on optimising and completing your tax form or any other finance question, contact Finn Toennessen, the International Community Executive at My Project: finn.toennessen @ Finn speaks fluent English. He is the representative for the whole Lake Geneva region and neighbouring France. Finn will assess which of the company's experts will best be able to advise you.