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Author of Swiss Watching gives great review of "Living along Lac Léman"/ Results of BSCC awards

Writer: CatherineCatherine

Photo above, the  "Rue des Belles Filles"- The Street of Beautiful girls" (who wouldn't want to live here?) from the article "Being Streetwise in Switzerland" from "Living along Lac Léman". Diccon Bewes, the author of "Swiss Watching" ( Best Book of 2010 -Financial Times) and travel writer (Lonely Planet and Holiday Which) has just reviewed "Living along Lac Léman" , the Living in Nyon book. He says; "The book contains a varied selection of Catherine’s columns from La Côté newspaper over the past three years, so it makes for perfect dip-in-and-out reading. Short pieces about life along the lakeshore, fitting in as an expat, Swiss foibles and learning French. And that’s what I loved most about it. There’s such a mix of subjects, you don’t have to know the area that well to enjoy it. For sure, some of the articles have a distinctly local flavour – not just the Paléo festival in Nyon but street names in Geneva or tourist howlers in Morges – but most are about something anyone in Switzerland can relate to: eating fondue, getting to know your neighbours, talking about the weather and kissing friends hello. All crucial subjects for every expat who has been here more than a few weeks."

 Photo above from article in book: "Don't worry be happy" - "Pas de Souci" He also goes on to say; "Adding more than a touch of depth are Catherine’s photos alongside each text. They cover, of course,  the gorgeous views and festival revellers but also more mundane things like fresh bread, football crowds and spring flowers. Not every book has the luxury of great colour photos, as I know all too well, but this one makes the most of that by using them to add some real local colour to the already engaging text. Of such things, I can but dream". You can read the full review here and find out more about Diccon and his book here.  If you would like to purchase  a copy of  "Living along Lac Léman"

 just click here to order and to see the list of  local retail outlets.  Here's another review by Know it all Passport   Other news, the BSCC Business Awards ceremony took place last night at the Beau Rivage in Geneva. Living in Nyon was one of the finalists in these awards and although the site didn't take home the top prize at the end of the evening, the editor was delighted to be nominated in the first place and recognised for "their contributions to business success in Britain and Switzerland". In the words of Michael Mckay BSCC Chairman-Geneva Chapter, "all the finalists were winners to get to the stage of being selected". You can see the full list of winners here.

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