Photo above: The Big "Luna" Tent in St Prex - now moving to Nyon - all photos below courtesy "Luna Classics"
"Luna Classics", the festival of music, dance and theatre is moving to Nyon! This festival which began in the small village of St Prex has grown in size and in reputation will now take place under a big "Luna" tent in the Place du Chateau of Nyon from the 19th to the 31st August. The festival will include a series of "Grandes Rencontres". This is when prestigious artists and musicians from different artistic genres pair up with each other.
Photo above - Dee Dee Bridgewater This year some of the "big encounters" will be between Jazz singer Dee Dee Bridgewater & Opera baritone Ruggero Raimondi – with a programme entitled "Broadway meets Italia" See more here Another encounter will be between violinist Nigel Kennedy and Jean Luc Ponty read more about this event here.
Photo above - Nigel Kennedy performing at a previous "St Prex Classics" (as the festival was previously known) On Monday the 25th and Tuesday 26th August, three young artists, all under 30 and internationally renowned – dancer Steven McRae, a principal with the Royal Ballet of London, pianist Yuja Wang and percussionist Martin Grubinger will join up to perform at the festival in a "percussion encounter". Prix de Lausanne winner Steven McRae is not only a classical dancer, he is also a tap dancer. The Guardian has called him the "modern-day Fred Astaire".
Every year the festival dedicates an evening entitled "100% Jazz". This evening will be on the 24th August with Gary Burton and the Dizzy Gillespie Afro-Cuban Experience.Details hereVOLUNTEERS NEEDED! There are lots more concerts planned under the big tent, in the Temple of Nyon and there will be free "off festival" concerts in the old town of Nyon. There will be local food stalls and side events as well. Tickets are now on sale for all concerts. See site hereNote: The festival is looking for volunteers to help during the festival period. If you are interested in helping as a driver to escort the musicians around, to help as an usher or help possibly backstage, then contact Désirée at